姓名 | 曹俭 | |
办公地点 | 实训中心4号楼4401室 | |
办公电话 | 67791221 | |
电子邮箱 | caojian928@126.com | |
毕业学校 | 华东理工大学 | |
研究方向 1.有机功能材料 2. 荧光分子传感器 | ||
个人简历 学习经历 2009/09-2012/12,华东理工大学,化学与分子工程学院,精细化工研究所,博士 2006/03-2008/10,华东理工大学,化学与分子工程学院,硕士 1988/09-1993/07,伟德国际1946源于英国,化工系,本科
工作经历 1993/07-2019/06,伟德国际1946源于英国,伟德国际1946源于英国 | ||
代表性论著(论文、著作、专利) 1 Jian Cao, Chunchang Zhao*, Xuezhe Wang, Yanfen Zhang, Weihong Zhu*. Target-triggered deprotonation of 6-hydroxyindole-based BODIPY: specially switch on NIR fluorescence upon selectively binding to Zn2+. Chem. Commun., 2012, 48: 9897-9899. 2 Jian Cao, Chunchang Zhao*, Peng Feng, Yulin Zhang, Weihong Zhu*. A colorimetric and ratiometric NIR fluorescent turn-on fluoride chemodosimeter based on BODIPY derivatives: high selectivity via specific Si–O cleavage. RSC Advances, 2012, 2: 418–420. 3 Jian Cao, Chunchang Zhao*, Weihong Zhu*. A near-infrared fluorescence chemodosimeter for fluoride via specific Si–O cleavage. Tetrahedron Letters, 2012, 53: 2107–2110. 4 Linlin Wang, Yue Hu, Yi Qu*, Jingli Xu, Jian Cao*. Aggregated-induced emission phenothiazine probe for selective ratiometric response of hypochlorite over other reactive oxygen species. Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 128, 54-59. 5 Linlin Wang, Yi Qu, Jingli Xu, Jian Cao*, Chunchang Zhao*. Fused dual boron core based BODIPY dyes: synthesis and optical character. Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 57, 1605–1609. 6 Chenhong Lu, Jian Cao*, Yuxiao Cheng, Yinghua Jin, Yi Qu, Jingli Xu Fluorescence turn-on NapTp in CTAB micelles for efficient detecting ferric ions in aqueous system. Sensors and Actuators B 2018, 255, 3102–3107. 7 Jiaojiao Sun, Jian Cao*, Jinjie Wang, Jincheng Wang*, Shuxin Wang Selective and sensitive fluorescent enhancement detection of keratin in aqueous media with aggregation-induced emission characteristics. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2019, 293, 159–165. 8 Qu Y.*, Wang L., Wu J., Rui Y., Cao J.*, Xu J. 4-Phenyl-1,8-naphthalimides: brightness and tuning emission over widely visible gamut in different aggregated states. Dyes andPigments. 2018, 148, 99-107. |